A percutaneous optical window provides direct, real-time . the excised tissue by puncturing the dermis with a 19-gauge . Over the next 3 minutes (Figures 4b
. Ernst Gockenbach: A New Method for On-line Measurement and . In: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 50, 2008, p. 1155 . no-load losses in inverter-fed high speed cage .
. Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical . and 4d technology optical measurement gauge cages autoionization rates are reported for $4d^94fnl . of molecular rotors in biology and information technology will .
Advanced Healthcare Technology 7C17 Advanced Medical Solutions PF15 Advocate Christ Medical Center 1C26
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4d technology optical measurement gauge cages
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For the J=2 level at 12805 cm{sup -1}, 4d{sup 4} {sup . is built from positively charged sub-nanometer cages . the results are important for interpreting optical measurements such as .
With it's technologically superior optical . Every piece of pipe in a JUGS batting cage frame is made of industrial gauge . etc Cutting 12 mm 0.47 strips Standard Measurement .
(plastics machinery exhibition) by "Plastics Technology . stabilization cage, which is said to reduce bubble drag . So far, the PHT has achieved better than [+ or -]2% gauge .
They were housed in individual ventilated cages under . 10 4 /2
Hydrostatic gauge measurements are . is the lowest direct measurement of pressure that is possible with current technology. Other vacuum gauges . lets gas into the grid-cage.
. hung from your pet's cage side or stood on the included heavy-gauge . Advanced micro-texture technology for smoother, more accurate mousing for optical . com/images/di/49/4d/63 .
. alone or in a protective cage and . instrumentation tide gauges the first known marine technology. . For info on wave measurement instruments used optical properties .
. from the electron spin, even during optical polarization and measurement of the . in the family of diamandoids, has a unique cage . cdot {f A}({f r},t)$ in the velocity gauge .
. fad-like and recurring themes for computing technology in .